Friday, 24 January 2014

Know your worth

 Know your worth, beautiful stranger. The material world was created by the invincible world. True worth is beyond the physical, it’s the invincible part that makes you. Its what cant be seen by the naked eye that is your most valuable asset. Be not fooled by the bright lights and false promises of a paradise, for your inner fire is the final piece that brings the puzzle together and makes an impeccable, flawless landscape.
You are truly wealthy when you can stay clam in the midst of adversity, stack up on one of the most valuable assets you can acquire; peace of mind. People will take a lot from you. Your truth, hope and peace of mind should never be what you give up.
 Make reconciliation with your spirits, be your minds best friend, your hearts first love and your souls other half. Then and only then can you complete another being and the forces may be with you, beautiful stranger. Be a loyal employee to love, in all its shapes and forms. Clock up on over time. Like a mother, never able to clock out. Be sturdy as your foundation, light as a feather, graceful like the north wind when you embrace love. Sometimes we forget that love is lifes most valued mistress, death its soul mate. Bare this in mind, meditate to this.
Your stop is coming up, beautiful stranger. Make me proud; forever reminisce on the part of your journey we shared, the advice, laughter and most importantly guard your greatest valuable asset, peace of mind, like the rare gem that it is. Know your worth.   

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