Monday 9 December 2013

the journey

Last time i had a date on such occasion was for love. The city that ran away with my heart. This time it is however life thats brought me here. The reflection of lessons learnt so far and eagerly waiting whats to come. Sitting here with my large latte, in my warm burgundy coat i find myself recalling a quote i came across once "dont grow up its a trap" with a slight crooked smile. The innocence, the purity in fun. No iphone, instagram just swings and sand to roll around in. Then i recall my mother telling me a old somali saying " Ciyaalnimo cadow laga kora waaye" meaning childhood is a enemy which one grows away from. Recalling the lessons, mistakes, adventures that come with the journey.  The bitter-sweet acceptance of the two is what gives this wandering soul peace and completion. I recall once saying i am a tired realist, who`s a optimistic pessimist at heart. He told me to pick one.... you cant be it all he said.  i smiled and said i am a nomad at heart, a very rare soul. My soul belongs with the wind, forever floating: loving, living, learning and laughing. Heart in once city, mind in another, body in one. Its in me to forever yearn. This is my journey, care to join me?

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